Scan and Go
About Scan and Go
Check in to the store
Scan items to add to cart
- My shopping cart is full, what should I do?
- How do I add items to my cart?
- How can I be sure that I have scanned the correct barcode?
- How do I scan fresh produce that do not have barcodes?
- What should I do if I am unable to scan an item?
- How do I change the quantity of an item or remove an item in my cart?
Orders and Payment
Memberships & Rebates
- Am I able to utilise my E-vouchers on my Scan & Go purchases?
- Can I use my physical FairPrice vouchers with Scan & Go?
- What are the promotions in Unity that are currently not supported on Scan & Go?
- Am I able to earn extra Linkpoints for exclusive promotions for Union Members on Scan & Go?
- Am I able to apply Union Members discount on Scan & Go?
- Can I stack my Pioneer Generation/Merdeka Generation/Seniors discount with my promo codes?
Exit the store
- What do I do after making payment in app?
- Why do you conduct verification checks upon exit?
- Which lane do I go to verify my purchases?
- The checkout kiosk is out of service. What should I do?
- Where can I bag my groceries?
- I forgot to scan my receipt QR code at the kiosk upon exiting the store.