Please refer to the 8 points below:
Exchange and Refund Policy
If you find a defect in our product (excluding medicine and hygiene-sensitive items), please return it to the same store with your receipt for exchange or refund. For products under warranty, please approach the respective local authorized service centre for assistance.
Freshness Guarantee
If you find the quality of our fresh produce unsatisfactory, simply return them to the same store with your receipt before the stated expiry date for exchange or refund.
Price Scan Guarantee
We are committed to charging customers the correct price. If there is a discrepancy between the displayed and scanned price, we will honour the lower price of the first item.
Confidentiality Policy
We ensure that all personal data of customers are kept in a safe and secure manner. FairPrice privacy policy applies.
Round Down Savings
For your convenience and savings, we round down your total bill to the nearest five cents for cash transactions only.
FairPrice Membership Rebate
We reward our members with attractive rebates when they shop at FairPrice. Please present your valid membership card before payment.
We are committed to helping you save. Please refer to the illustration below for more information on the available discounts.
*Discounts are applied to your purchases for up to $200 (excluding cigarettes and statutory products) per customer per day. Please present your valid proof of identification before making payment.
Earn Linkpoints** with no minimum spend and turn the points into rewards on the FairPrice Group app or to offset future purchases! Simply present your FairPrice Group app or Link Rewards card before payment. For enquiries on the Link Rewards Programme, please call 6380 5858 (Link Rewards Programme) or visit (NTUC Union Members).
**Linkpoints issuance is not applicable to cigarettes, statutory items (4D, Singapore Sweep, TOTO and FairPrice Group Gift Cards / FairPrice Group Gift Vouchers), infant milk powder (0 - 12 months), newspapers, magazines, non merchandises (carrier bags), consultation fees, delivery and service fees, prescription and pharmacy-only medicines. Other terms & conditions apply.