All the E-Voucher details (voucher URLs, voucher codes, denominations and expiry dates) will be compiled in a CSV file, which will be password protected and emailed to you. A separate email containing the password will then be sent to you to access the CSV file.
Articles in this section
- Are there discounts for bulk or corporate purchase of E-Vouchers?
- How do I contact the FairPrice Group E-Vouchers department?
- Does the recipient need to download the FairPrice Group app to use the E-Voucher?
- How can you distribute the E-Vouchers to your recipients?
- Can I add a personalised message on the E-Voucher?
- How are the E-Vouchers issued?
- Can I order E-Vouchers of more than one denomination in one order?
- Can I extend the validity of the E-Vouchers that I purchased previously?
- When does the validity of the E-Vouchers start? Can I request for a specific date?
- How do I make payment for the order for a corporate order?